Tuesday, August 24, 2010

False Alarm

False alarm #1 - Monday evening
contractions 8:30pm~11:00pm  5 minutes apart.
Some part of Herman lodge on my front right side causing pain so bad I barfed.
Paged Dr. - Dr. said "go".
3 hours later - hospital sent us home. It's labor with no dialation. Super fun.

Back home waiting.

Keith, you did an AMAZING job. You were calm and collected. Love you face.

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Final Month

I guess I should be completely thrilled that we have made it this far - right?
With week 37 upon us, I'm more anxious than ever. Yes I'm nervous, gitty, part freaking out, part convinced we are ready. It's fun...sort of.
I think Keith and I are too much of a "planner" couple for the final months of pregnancy to be super fun. All these things to think about....will my water break? will I have contractions? will I be early or late?
You would think after all this time, and the evolution of man, SOMETHING would be consistent as it relates to child birth.....apparently not.
So I've been spending my time in the nursery. It's my favorite room in the house, by far. Keith and I worked so  hard over the last few months creating this haven, and it's more than I could have dreamt. The colors are relaxing and soothing, the nic-nacs are in the perfect spots, tiny pooh bears and friends in their rightful place. It's truly an amazing space. We are trying our best to picture baby Herm...but of course we just have to wait.
"Not too much longer" "Any day now"
yeah yeah....we know. Just wait.
It is funny going out in public, people stare at me like I am a side show. They don't know how obvious they are being, but I giggle to myself. Apparently I look like I should have delivered yesterday, and people cant figure out why I'm out in public waddling around - little do they know I technically have 3 weeks to go.
Silly dumb public :) But I admit, I thought some of the same things when I wasn't pregnant and I would see a soon to be mom tipping around at Target or a restaurant. I apologize to any of those mom's if you read my thoughts - I understand now. You can't stay home all the time, it's boring. So even though its not fun, and its summer (and YES, thank you everyone, I know how hot it is) - we have to get out of the house once or twice a week. I will never look at a pregnant woman the same again. Being pittied is not fun.
So I HAD 4 September delivery buddies, and 2 of them have already delivered in August. I am VERY happy to report they are doing great, babies are healthy, mom's are healthy.....so needless to say....I'm bitter :) in the nicest way possible. Donna keeps telling me not to pray for early delivery, but now that we are in week 37 we are considered full term, so sorry Nana Donna, we're gonna start the baby-rain-dance.
Not that we need ANOTHER birthday in August, cause we don't. It's an internal debate.
So our bags are packed...everything we "need" is checked off. The nursery is ready, mommy and daddy to be are ready - time to coax out baby Herm.
The "pool" has started in case anyone wanted to know. Lots of guess for August, not many guesses above 8 pounds, and boy/girl is split down the middle. This should make for an interesting few weeks.
So me and my swollen exploding hands and feet are going to head back to the couch where we belong.
Congrats to the new mommy and daddies this month. We're thinking about you.
Happy final month to us -
Any time now HerMan

Monday, July 19, 2010

Let the countdown begin!

8 weeks - that seems like nothing right? 55 days....when I've been pregnant for 225 - I think I can handle that :)
So last weekend was my shower, and that was of course, fabulous! Friends and family and so many wonderful gifts. Keith was in shock as he carried the presents into Herm's room. The kindness was overwhelming. I couldn't have been more excited. It made it that much more real....if that's possible.
Keith and I have organized the baby's room (the best we can) and we're just putting the finishing touches in there. A couple pictures...a toy hammock, silly adorable things.
My favorite things.....the mobile hanging over the crib :) and the little hangers in the closet. I have held it together most of the way with all my cute-sie baby stuff...but once those two things found their rightful place in the nursery...it was all over. I try and stare at the crib, picturing our little baby in there....sometimes feeling like it will never be here. Then I am reminded by my hubby that we have come so far already and it's just around the corner.
Being on leave in growing on me. I can definitely tell that it is much needed. I try and keep my feet up as much as possible, and sometimes I feel like I have "feet-up police" who swoop in to make sure I have them elevated. These "officers" come out of no where sometimes :) The strangest thing for me is the swelling of my hands. It doesn't seem to go down very much at all. They feel tight and stiff all the time. Icing them helps temporarily, but geez, not a whole lot of relief. Thank God for my weekly chiropractor visits otherwise I would never walk, or sleep, or lay, or sit, or stand.......it has been a life saver. Just to have a few days of comfort is wonderful. I am managing pretty well in the summer heat, I stay in if its super hot...and I limit what I do on other days. Trying to spread out errands and remember that my to-do list will always be there in some shape or another.
I am back to reading "What to Expect..." now that there really isn't anything random to be afraid of. I want to make sure I understand Braxton-Hicks since I'm pretty sure that has been happening. Keith is funny...he gets this adorable panic look on his face and asks me what's going on..."is it the practice ones" and I say yes...since I don't know any better either. I am still watching lots of TLC - baby story and bringing home baby, just to  see if there is anything I can learn and retain from the shows. Sometimes, those women are just nuts. My next doctor appointment is tomorrow...I'm going to try and get all the details of what to do when the contractions start...when to call, when to page, when to leave our house. Keith wants me to surprise him soon with a "practice run" to the hospital. That should be eventful. We are going to take maternity ward tour in a couple of weeks, that should calm the two of us down, its definitely scarier when you have no idea where to go, so that will ease our minds I'm sure.
I'm starving :) what else is new? Time to eat.

Monday, June 28, 2010

75 days to go

75 seems like a good enough number right? I sorta feel like I've been pregnant FOREVER. But I've convinced myself this is because I found out in Januaray (winter) stopped throwing up in April (spring) and we are well into June, practically July, so its summer now. I cannot believe the shower is only a weekend away! Soooo excited, I can't even stand it.
So what's the newest developments??
Well the nursery is practically done....just a few tiny details left...hanging shelves, waiting on the adoreable curtains, and a few pictures. But Keith has worked really hard to get everything done in there and it's a dream come true. It's THE BABY'S ROOM. Totally amazing to me. I go in there all the time and talk to the imaginary baby :) but I think Herm can hear me loud and clear cause I get punched over and over when we are visiting the room.

So a little spray paint and a ceiling fan change and I think it's ready to go. I love being "ahead" of schedule. I did this with the wedding too. It made it so much more fun to enjoy the end.
So this is start of week 3 at home on rest. It's boring sometimes....seriously how much daytime TV can one person watch? I of course check Oprah everyday just to see what's on....The View makes me want to tear my ears off.....but I'm loving Rachel Ray at 10am.
Baby story is on back to back at 12pm. That's entertaining. Some of these women are insane. They don't have a calm bone in their body. I keep reminding myself.....'at the end of the day, you are having a baby, one way or another...so calm down and do it'. I swear these women flip out, they drive their husbands completely mad, freak out everyone......and it's their 3rd kid or something ridiculous. Oh my God....relax! I'm assuming this delivery will be nerve racking and difficult and I'm doing my best to TRY and prepare....so I'm not  underestimating it of course, but I'm not going to freak out in histerics either. Keith has been through enough in 7 months...let alone the next 2.
What else? Oh I'm seeing a chiropractor - FABULOUS. It's definitely helping with my back and my sleep issues. After visiting Dr. Jess :) I get a few good nights of real rest and I'm so lucky to have her! I wish I could see her every day! She has a "bed" so to speak that is lined up and down with rollers. It rolls up and down my back and I'm in heaven. I also to lay on these massive pillow/pads while she is "adjusting" and i'm on my stomach! Oh how I miss laying on my stomach :)  I'm going to try her massage therapist girl next :) I've never been big on being mauled...but with this back pain....I'm game.
3 o'clock....Dr. Phil time :) and I'm starving.
4th of July weekend is on it's way ~ so exciting! And then turning the "big" 2-8.
Is 28 really that big of a deal? Probably not, but GOD I love my birthday :)
Happy Summer!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Whale Watching

I know, I know.....I'm growing a human.
I truly do not have a complex about my growing tummy. I swear. It's been fun modeling in the mirror, wondering how much bigger I am each week. The stretch marks come with the territory...of course I wish I was one of the 8% of women who DON'T get them....but why would I be that lucky?
I'm getting spots of cellulite in the strangest areas...forget the back of the thigh, I'm talking weirder.
I do need a tan....even Keith looked at me this weekend and commented on my ghostly color - and that's saying a lot for him.
I plan to use my leave to relax, unwind and take care of myself and baby Herm, and that will include some time on the deck hopefully getting some color....cause YIKES. I do want to look like a cute pregnant girl at the shower and I don't want to scare my friends and family. How am I gonig to do that???
I actually WANT to go swimming. Strange right? I don't necessarily love the thought of being in a bathing suit, but oh well. I have come to terms with the fact that we all can't look like Megan McD when we are pregnant. Seriously....who is cuter in a two piece? So I'm over what I will actually LOOK like and I just want to float around and feel weightless while enjoying the summer sun. I don't think it's a valid financial decision to put in a pool in our backyard...so maybe a trip to walmart to get one of those blow up kiddie pools - or maybe I can beg my sister in law to let me come over and whale in her backyard with my skinny-mini nieces :)
Now my boobs on the other hand.........Good Lord. I am pretending that they are going to stop growing. Let's see how that plan plays out right? It's not even funny anymore. I have made Keith promise to stop oggling them....they are gross.
Lastly today, I am on a quest for a baby shower dress that has pretty colors BUT the top will be some sort of dark color - hiding the giants :) I guess I can wear a skirt, or pants if I find a top that I love...If anyone happens to spot a dress matching this description - let me know and Donna and I am can begin our shopping.
Happy 26 weeks - I'm moved into double digit days - 97 to go.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

One belly picture - until Keith can get home to take a better angle :)

Classic Pooh - paint colors